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C.A. Masiello, C.E. Brewer, B. Dugan, H. Gonnermann, K. Zygourakis, C. Davies, P. Panzacchi,

V. Chuang, L.A. Pyle.  Charcoal chemistry:  irrelevant to environmental residence time?

ACS National Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, Sept. 2013.

C.E. Brewer, A. Woda, L.E. Driver, J. Burger, H. Gonnermann, C.A. Masiello. Biochar from

wastewater biosolids - a comparison to biochars from lignocellulose. AiChE annual meeting,

San Francisco, CA, Nov. 2013.

Wiedemeier, D., S. Abiven, W.C. Hockaday, M. Keiluweit, M. Kleber, L.A. Pyle, C.A. Masiello, A.

McBeath, P. Nico, M. Schneider, R. Smernik, M.W.I. Schmidt. A method comparison to infer

charring temperature, aromaticity, and the degree of condensation of pyrogenic carbon.

EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2013.


V.C. Chuang, C.A. Masiello, H. Gonnermann, Z. Liu, B. Dugan, K. Zygourakis.  Black

carbon: does it sink or float?  AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City,

February 2012.

C.A. Masiello, Z. Liu, K. Ziegelgruber, B. Dugan, H. Gonnermann, V. Chuang, K.

Zygourakis Density and porosity as controls on charcoal storage in soils. European

Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, April 2012.

W.C. Hockaday, Masiello, C.A. The aromatic domains in charcoal are small:  Implications

for the fate and transport of pyrogenic carbon. European Geosciences Union, Vienna,

Austria, April 2012.

C.A. Masiello, B. Dugan, K. Zygourakis, H. Gonnermann, Z. Liu, K. Ziegelgruber,

V. Chuang Physical controls on organic matter stability. Keynote, European

Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, April 2012.

J.J. Silberg, S. Liu, C.A. Masiello, K. Zygourakis, M.R. Bennett. Biochar effects on

microbial cell-cell communication:  implications for soil organic matter decomposition. 

US Biochar Conference, Rohnert Park, CA, July 2012.

Z.L. Liu, B. Dugan, C.A. Masiello. Hydraulic conductivity and soil water potential of

soil-biochar mixtures:  impacts of biochar concentration and particle size. US

Biochar Conference, Rohnert Park, CA, July 2012.


Barnes, R.T., M.E. Gallagher, C.A. Masiello, B. Dugan, Z. Liu, J.A. Rudgers. 

Changes in water, carbon, and nitrogen fluxes with the addition of biochar to soils:

lessons learned from laboratory and greenhouse experiments.  AGU Fall Meeting,

December 2011.

H. Sun, W.C. Hockaday, C.A. Masiello, K. Zygourakis. Soil amendment by biochar:

Theoretical and experimental studies on the dynamic adsorption of ammonium

nitrate in soil/biochar mixtures. AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. October


C.A. Masiello, B. Dugan, K.Zygourakis, W.C. Hockaday, T.J. Kinney, M.R. Dean, R.T.

Barnes. Assessing controls on the hydrologic behavior of biochars. 3rd Annual

Biochar conference, UK Biochar Centre, Edinburgh, UK. May 2011.

M.P.W. Schneider, C.A. Masiello, W.C. Hockaday, M.W.I. Schmidt. Can Molecular

Markers for Pyrogenic Carbon help to reconstruct wildfire temperatures? European

Geosciences Union Meeting 2011, Vienna, Austria, April 2011.

C.A. Masiello. Connecting Aerosol Measurements to the Global Black Carbon Cycle.

Invited speaker, Aerosol Metrology for Climate Workshop, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD,

March 2011.

H. Sun, C.A. Masiello, K. Zygourakis. Characterizing the pore structure of biochars:

An new approach based on multiscale pore structure models and reactivity

measurements. AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. October 2011.


L.A. Pyle, W.C. Hockaday, C.A. Masiello, T.W. Boutton, C. LeCroy. Production and

Isotopic Composition of Black Nitrogen Following Experimental Charring of Plant

Materials. Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 13-18,


H. Sun, W.C. Hockaday, C.A. Masiello, K. Zygourakis. Physical and Chemical Structure

Analysis of Biochars Produced from Different Feedstocks and Under a Variety of

Pyrolysis Conditions. American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting

(AiChE), Salt Lake City, Nov 7-12, 2010.

H. Sun, W.C. Hockaday, C.A. Masiello, K. Zygourakis. Physical and Chemical Structure

Analysis of Biochars Produced from Different Feedstocks and Under a Variety of

Pyrolysis Conditions. American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting

(AiChE), Salt Lake City, Nov 7-12, 2010.

W.C. Hockaday, Y.-S. Hwang, Q. Li, C.A. Masiello. Mass Spectrometric Evidence of

Non-Colloidal Fullerenes in Waters Containing Natural Organic Matter. American

Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, March 21-25, 2010.

W.C. Hockaday, S. Kim, P.G. Hatcher, C.A. Masiello. Comparing the Molecular

Structures of Black Carbon in Soil and Water to Constrain Processes of Formation

and Decomposition. American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco,

March 21-25, 2010.

C.A. Masiello, W.C. Hockaday, K. Zygourakis, B. Dugan, J.A. Rudgers, P.J.J. Alvarez,

T.W. Boutton, L.A. Pyle, T.J. Kinney, H. Sun, D. Li. Biochar Research at Rice

University: An Overivew. Geological Society of America, Denver, CO, 2010.


T.J. Kinney, W.C. Hockaday, C.A. Masiello, B. Dugan, M. Dean. Engineering Biochar

Hydrophobicity to Mitigate Risk of Top-soil Erosion. Fall American Geophysical

Union Meeting, San Francisco, Dec, 14-18, 2009.

C.A. Masiello. The Role of Charcoal in Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gas

Management. International Briquetting and Agglomeration Society. San Antonio,

TX, October 2009.

C.A. Masiello, W.C. Hockaday, M. Dean. Using NMR to understand the ecological roles

of charcoal. Soil Ecological Society Meeting, Burlington, VT, July 2009.

C.A. Masiello. Biogeochemistry of charcoal in the environment: Carbon cycle roles and

carbon sequestration options. University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology,

March 26, 2009.

C.A. Masiello. Biogeochemistry of charcoal in the environment: Carbon cycle roles and

carbon sequestration options. Arizona State University School of Earth and Space

Exploration, March 26, 2009.

2008 and earlier

C.A. Masiello. Towards Soil and Sediment Inventories of Black Carbon. Fall American

Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 15-19, 2008.

M.L. Keller, C.A. Masiello, B. Dugan, J.A. Rudgers, S.C. Capareda. Phytotoxicity and

Plant Productivity Analysis of Tar-Enriched Biochars. Fall American Geophysical

Union Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 15-19, 2008.

C.A. Masiello, C. Czimczik, How to Build a Black Soil. Rice U/TAMU-Galveston joint BC-

nanocarbon symposium, 2006.

C.A. Masiello, Czimczik, C. Resolving the refractory-labile black carbon paradox: BC

dynamics in soils. Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, Dec

10-15, 2006.

C. Czimczik, C.A. Masiello. Why are There no Black Soils in the Boreal Regions?

European Union Symposium: Charcoal to Black Carbon: Defining Common Issues

in Quantification and Interpretation in Archaeological, Palaeoenvironmental and

Carbon Cycle Research. University of St. Andrews, Edinburgh, Scotland, August


C.A. Masiello, Czimczik, C. Building a Black Soil. European Geoscience Union, Vienna,

Austria, April 25, 2005.

M.W.I. Schmidt and 25 others, including C.A. Masiello, Comparative Analyses of

Reference Materials for Organic Geochemical Studies of Black Carbon. European

Geoscience Union, Vienna, Austria, April 25, 2005.

C.A. Masiello. New Directions in Black Carbon Organic Geochemistry. Friday Harbor

Symposium in honor of John Hedges: New Directions in Marine Biogeochemistry,

August 2003.

Schmidt M.W.I., C.A. Masiello, Ball W.P., Currie, L.A., Czimczik C.I., Gelinas Y.,

Glaser B., Kuhlbusch T.A.J., Prentice K.M., Skjemstad J.O., Smith D.M. Reference

materials for organic geochemical studies of black carbon. 20th International Meeting

on Organic Geochemistry, Nancy, France, Vol 2, 97-98, 10-14 Sept. 2001.

L.A. Currie, B.A. Benner, Jr., R. Cary, E.R.M. Druffel, T.I. Eglinton, P.C. Hartmann, J.D.

Kessler, D.B. Klinedinst, G.A. Klouda, J.V. Marolf, C.A. Masiello, A. Pearson, J.G.

Quinn, C.M. Reddy, J.F. Slater, and S.A. Wise, Interlaboratory Data on Elemental

and Isotopic Carbon in the Carbonaceous Particle Reference Material, NIST SRM

1649a. Gordon Research Conference on Organic Geochemistry, Plymouth, New

Hampshire, 2000.

C.A. Masiello., M.W.I. Schmidt, W.P. Ball, L.A. Currie, J.O. Skjemstad, D.M. Smith

Development of standards for organic geochemical studies of black carbon. Gordon

Research Conference on Organic Geochemistry, Plymouth, New Hampshire, 2000.

C.A. Masiello. Black carbon in ocean sediments and a small river, Dissertation

Symposium in Chemical Oceanography (DISCO XV) NSF/ONR/NOAA, Honolulu,

Hawaii, May 1999.

C.A. Masiello, E.R.M. Druffel, and S. Griffin, Black carbon 14C in the Santa Monica

basin: riverine delivery and sedimentary accumulation. Ninth Annual Goldschmidt

conference, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1999.
